Tuesday, December 13, 2011

questions for game

 I want the players to learn to not litter and not kill any kind of animal.

Me and yenifers ideas came together not very easy we had to think but instead we went with mine and that's how our game came to be.  We choose our game because it was simple to create, we had planed out easy and we like the wolf topic.
We also work together really well because we get even jobs. Also I get to find codes while she gets to plot the story.Some research we did is look up wolf games and pictures.
The main character has to protect the wolf and he wolf has to defend itself to through out the game, and no this idea hasn't changed because I think this is as simple as  it can get.
I think the most help full flash resource is the actions button and layers. We found these resources cause our teacher taught  us where they were.
I think that the buttons for the next page is the post difficult. Also I still have a problem with that.

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Imaging Your Game

WHO are you designing your game for? (Include the player's age, abilities, and prior knowledge of your topic.) 

I am writing my game for people who are between 9 and 29  years old. The person who plays my game must be able to  have skill and strategy. Since my topic is skill the player must already know about how to get sugar in the both different cups and draw . 

WHAT will your game teach the player about your topic? (Be specific!) 
you will need skill on my game and on Sugar Sugar.
My players will learn about the details of my topic, such as I will make a good background . 

WHERE does your game happen? 
In a kitchen or at you house on a shelf.
Describe the world you will design for your game. 
The environment for my game will look like a kitchen background. 

How will this setting add to the learning experience? 
You will learn strategy and recognise the movement of what you'll need to do.
This setting will add to the learning of my game by figuring out what to do in both games. 

HOW does your game world teach the player about your topic? 
It gives certain details and will make you strategy smarter.
What happens in the world that helps the player learn? 
If you use to much suger you'll get diabeties.
The environment of my game will help the player learn by . 
Not pouring suger in a pantry and on the counter.

How does the player use what they learned to make something happen in the game? 
The player will need to use their knowledge of the directions in order to complete the task. 

WHY is a game a better way of understanding your topic than a quiz? 
Because won't pay a attention to quizzes as much and they'll play the game longer find out what the goal is.
A game is a better way of understanding my topic than a quiz because you have to find  out how much sugar without reading. 

Friday, October 14, 2011

Darfur is Dying

When I played Darfur is dying I felt sad because of all the bad people trying to kill them.
Also when they  gave you facts on how this girl is dead and how this house got burned and how this child was killed. It's very sad and I don't think that they deserve it.

In the game Darfur is dying ,you can choose different characters with different jobs because a little girl can't go for wood and build, but a man can, and a man cant go forage for water but kids 14 or 15 and under can.
I think it sorta does connect to to life, because a like a said before people die a certain way then people can do certain things, the same way some jobs aren't meant for others to handle the complexity. 

Another part of the game is to take care of the camp.
The reason I think they put that in their is so you can see how much work they have to do in order to keep the camp alive. It's very hard because the janjaweed keep attacking and destroying building! It's so frustrating when all the food and water then the houses are gone too.
Now the people die after all the supplies are gone.

Also later in the game A letter pops out and says to either write  a letter to president Obama,
Or to help them out by sending the message out to the network on Facebook.The reason I think they wanted to point that out is to pass the message out get more and more people to help.

Playing the game was sad but it inspired me to tell people about the darfur story and help a little, by sending the message out.

here the game above!
the next one above is THE WASHINGTON POST.

Friday, October 7, 2011

Steve Jobs

Steve Jobs is a man who invented :apple computer,I-pad, I-pad2 ,I pod touch , I-0phone , I- phone4 ETC.
He invented allot of the things you would have seen now. without him you would have had way less technology. 
Allot of the touch phones now he invented.

He also founded pixar! all these movies you would have never seen without him....cars, nemo, monsters ink,  Walle, ratituee, a bugs life, and toy story! and more. 
Imagine a world without his creativity, you wouldn't have much entertainment right.
fallow your dream and don't care what the words of people say or tell you.
Steve Jones- 1955-2011

Thursday, October 6, 2011

playing to learn review!

The game genre's I'm interested in are action and a little adventure.I think I would like to make a game genre for action mostly.
Also I learned some things from the game I liked and mostly affected me it was called  Brainpop GameUP 
It taught me about cells allot about them but mostly on infected area's,like when you get a cut and what helps it and what doesn't.Another game I reviewed is Gravitee It show's the gravity on planets and you have to test your skiles and play golf in outer space.
One game I think would need improvment is  Sally's Energy Ride 
I bairly understood it and all i understood is save energy.

Monday, October 3, 2011

service project

On Saturday we went to participate in http://bethechangeaustin.org/ being the change.
what we did is help put soil around almost all the tress in the area /park .
When I was their I saw allot of people in the place helping even if it wasn't from our school, I saw a Lil girl ask a man can she help out on what we were doing,and the man said "yeah,you can help."
That was heart touching when I heard a Lil girl wanting to help, I was in awe.

Another project ill want to be apart of is the shelter, I want to help animals find a home , a place to love for.
That would be a happy day for me to help animals get  a home, that way they won't be homeless and wait in another sad day in the dark pound in a small cage.
What I did while I was at the service project I put/spread some soil around the tree ,to make shirr the tree got enough water to absorb. They have been planting trees for MORE than 10 YEARS! to plant over 400 trees !!!
wow! When I heard all the trees were being planted for so long, I was in awe again and that was just to special. It made me think wow they really do care about the community.
☻♥so my blog is done and I just wanted say thank you for letting us be apart of helping the community!☺☻

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Mini Game

                              ♥☻☺My mini game!☺☻♥
I stared making a mini game in 9/26/11 -9/21/11 I was getting some help on certain things,but I understood it well.
My 1st step to make a mini game was for me to draw a picture and make characters and to name them.
I made a chocolate that shaped as a heart and I named it carrot because that was my target. then I went on to my other step making the heart/chocolate/carrot move across the screen,  my other step is for the girl to move, then I make her collision detection, it means if it touches it the carrot will go back to it's natural spot.After that I made a keeping score detection it if the bunny touches the carrot the bunny gets a point.
Then for my final step I make a background and put the pieces together and I got a mini game

Also I made a super hero girl she is getting the candy heart to a little girl, and I named her bunny and trys to avoid her weakness the smell of money! bahahaha! jk and her enemy is the UFO I named it wolf because it's trying to get the bunny. 

Well that's my mini game and I got my steps from  my school wiki page, and It was very fun making one too!
I love my mini game! and the score i put on it!

Monday, September 12, 2011

children of heavan

The movie "children heavan" is about a boy named Ali and a girl  named Zahraa.
This movie was about them losing a shoe at first then Ali feels sorry about his Zahraa that he goes though everything he can to help his sister get new shoes. Then later in the story Zahraa finds a poor girl with her 
shoes and Zahraa follows her and  feels sorry and let's her keep them because she's poor and her fathers blind. Also during all this his mother is ill and also his dad and Ali get hurt when they go find a new job as a gardiner.
At the end Ali has another Chance to get shoes for his sister by racing  and getting 3rd place but things don't tern out as expected her ends up winning the race.Basically this story is about sportsmen ship and caring for one another.

When I watched this film it didn't quit fit my "single story" of Muslim's.
Some ways that it fit was the people were people, men where regular clothing and women and girls where a clothing over there head, but some things that I didn't get right is that I thought all of them live in Arab,  they live in the desert and their all poor but I got some more wrong too, i'm not gonna lie.  HeHeHe! 
Also some things I learned about Muslim's is that the boys don't where robes as a tradition.
Also I think Ali sweet ,caring, helpfull and kind because he helps his father get a job and he try's to help his sister.

This tells you about their traditions what they do how their not that different ETC.
It will help you understand them.  and how you can become or they are Muslim.

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

what happened on 9/11!?

The twin towers in New York were attacked,  lid on fire and destroyed with two air plains.
With passengers in both plains ,100's of people  died that day, and smock filled the street. Over 100's of people were hert and sent to the hospital. The twin towers were replased with two lights but befor that....
That was a historical day when terrorism filled New york and terrorist got known more.
This happened in the 2001 ,September ,11.

Monday, August 29, 2011

A Single Story

To have  a 'single story' about a place or community, 
means when someone judges about a place, person, or community and  makes it to where people only believe that opinion. Also it may or may not be true but allot of the times it's just an opinion and  is usually mean and/or rood.

♥☺☻ I heard a single story about the east side,  that their are Mexicans over hear mainly and gang and crimes but that's what they get us to all to believe. They even got me to believe it when i came over here. Still I didn't know I haven't been over here since I was a little girl/baby. So I trusted it it wasn't so bad. Still it's  loud! Also people think I can't speak Spanish and yes I can!!! ☺☻♥
I think a way people can stop judging is we can give flayers tell an Anglo friend of ours to help.
We can convince them to come over here and observe it over here. ☺☻♥

Their was also a single story I heard about the west I heard their were rich people over their and all Anglo people that are pale, but I don't know I have only been their only once. Their were allot of big houses and i saw mansions that was awesome! but the people I saw building them was mean It was Mexicans.I think away I can learn more is search about it and go over their some more. Also i can maybe talk to some of them more.

I think a way a game maker can help is he can make game to show all people of different backgrounds and make them as one in the game meaning making them friends.
Also he can make a game that will show no gang activity nowhere.
                                                                   ☺☻♥please commet☺☻♥

Tuesday, August 23, 2011


I learned that  getting cyber bullied back then was a major problem until the Meyer incident.When a girl named Megen Meyer hung herself in her closet because of a fake boy that said he liked her and the other people that bullied her at school.
I have experienced bullying ,when  I was young 2 popular girls bullied me in elementary school
and I felt very sad, but in middle school I think she was not as popular and less happy, I felt a little sorry for her but then i was thinking about the all the things she did so I never forgave her.

I think that Tyler from the movie should have ignored the bully ,reported them and/or made a copy of the paper for proof that she was getting bullied online. Also she should have went to a council earlier because in the movie she said that it had helped her feel better and understand what she could have done and understand she wasn't the only one.
I would have  blocked her or any bully , report her and ignore her at all time instead of paying attention to her and making her feel better about herself.
Off course i didn't know that back then i let them and let them pic at me and making me sadder but ever since I came to this school, east Austin college prep academy it makes me feel safe and loved by my friends I've made hear. I still think that she'll come hear and bully me but every now and then my memory of her disappears.

Hear is a link about Megan Meyer:

Monday, August 15, 2011

First Day Of School!

☺☻♥My first day of school was great! I made allot of friends and the teachers were so  nice.
I did feel a little nervous cause summer went by so fast. Now the week went by so fast and I memorized my schedule the 1st 2 or 3 days.
My favorite classes are p.e, math, Spanish and Ela cause, In p.e we get active and move, and in math ms.fox is so nice, and Spanish cause we talk about Spanish and we do fun activity's that make memorise Spanish words, and ELa cause she is so sweet and cause my class is small and qiate. I also noticed their are new people in 7th grade i made some of them my friends.
So far the year is great i hope it stays nice i love all my friends!(nh) :) :} :p ☺☻♥

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

sad days can go up

No madder what don't let people put you down . Don't be afraid of telling someone and don't care what people say , unless it's for getting you information or help tips.
I didn't get to go tworld on may 31, 2011 ,but I still needed to earn it so my bad.
I gues ill try harder next year when I come to this school. o sea 
I can't beileve I past my taks! see I found my happyness again , you just got to think right side up,  and if you don't know what that means , dont get down or sad , it just means...
              ♥☻☺ !!!THINK GOOD!!!☺☻♥

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Apollo 13

Apollo 13

The movie was so good , I learned on how they landed the ship or part of the ship. At the beginning was kind of boring but , later in the story it got better. I like the part when the ship got hit and they fixed it.
Also it was very interesting when they landed it was like , will they survive, or will the shield brake
open , it was so , I guess suspenseful.
 So when they were cheering that they made it I was even relieved and I don't even know them.

Also in the end jack got cancer and died , Jim quit and watched other astronauts going space, and during his time he thought about going back in space on the moon.
here is a link!

Thursday, May 19, 2011

The Lightning Theif -chapter 1

A boy named percey jackson -he is a demy god ,but he deosn't know he is ,or wats going on.Anyways percey jackson causes trouble in all the fieldtrips he geos to, and he's on probation for that, so he said he won't cause any trouble on the trip to the metropolitan musium. When they get thier percey answers a titan question right, then he goes and eats, and a girl named nacey gets percey and his friend grover in trouble all the time, but now she hit the top of the bell . since percey has anger isues, he got up all on her face ,and  it looked like he pushed her , and once again in trouble and a teacher  ms.dodd's-as mean as devil - caled percey took him in a room and acused him about stealing a lightning bult. Then she attacked percey and mr.brunner came in and his freind grover too, and gave percey a sword and killed the monster. When he got out , no one knew mrs. dodds , or what had happened. Espesialy percey!

Tuesday, May 17, 2011


Hi world ,hi life and hi everthing else important!!
I just want you to know your very important in my life ,like freinds.
Also family and swimming pools!!! I love swimming pools ,I love water, o well I love everthing and anyone around me for their sopport!
I also thank enternet for theme metting my needs of entertainment.
   I love you mom and friends if your reading this and got a problem come say it to my face.jk:)                   
 !!!SSoooooo thank you enternet!!!
like these pics:

You like it keep looking on my blogger and im not weird. :)

Monday, May 16, 2011

Your Game Is Finished! (Hopefully)

!I'm finnished!
Some things i've learned with a team is that you should shair ideas ,work togerther and be fair.Also that if you need help ask your partner 1st then ask teacher.
I'm proud of myself for finnishing my game and putting a timer and keeping score on my game. I maybe be able to use a flash in my own home and make my own mini game.
Something I learned about myself is that I should have pasence ,beleife and ideas and hope.Also that you should help friends and pay atention to directions. 

I also learned that the higher the grade the more pragraphs you have to make. Also the work and grade are good if you pay attention.

Some other things that i've learned in globloria is that you  should get ideas and do some things at home that you've done in globloria.

Also I would next year want to learn hoe to make words/buttons move or do  something when you click on them in games , slide show, or maybe even in blogger,if thats related to globloria.

                                 !!!please commet!!!

Monday, May 2, 2011


I love movies especially scary movies I love that thriller action , like the movie scream that I want to see so much and that movie Insidious. I here that movie is really scary then again people said paranormal activity 1 was scary it was definitely not, both of them weren't scary.
Man just yesterday I saw 2 movies I've been wanting to see , fast five (action), and black swan (scary weird and disgusting !). Those movies were the best i'm just wanting to see Insidious and screem 4! so as you can guese my genree is scary, thriller and action if a move don't have thows ,then it's not my favorite.
                           ♥☻☺!!! please commet!!!☺☻♥

Thursday, April 28, 2011

Stand And Deliever

Jaime Escalane is a man that came out in the movie stand and deliver.
He died in March 30, 2010, he was only 79 years old.
heres his funiral.

He was born in  December 31, 1930.
He tought calculus at garfield high scool and his first class got 5 and 4 (a's & b's)  mr.Escalante was so proud.
Every year his students passing got higher and higher.
                               ♥☻☺ please commet☻♥☺

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

iPads for Kids

I think it would be awsome I so think we should do that. Cause one kids will love a touch screen two you won't make a mess with pencils or crayons and three it has internet for alot of other activities.
some  advantages are that you can have it portable and it's small, light and alot of books and activities in it. Also their can be some bad news but, if one brakes the kid may have to pay for another one or the school. Also kids may do other things on it rather than do what their tod and they will play around. 
                       ☻☺♥!!!please commet!!!☻☺♥
                                    by . maggie ang.

Friday, April 15, 2011

Game Demo Progress

I have learned a few stuff this week , I learned how to use files and each key frame has to be difente unles you chioce to not do that.
I learned how to make slides a little cause I don't quit got it yet. 
I  have learned that it is inportant to make an actions leyer  and only put actions in it . I also learned that It's importanton  to also make a background leyer. I also have learned that to-move code , it's very usfule.
                           ☺♥☻!!!please commet!!!♥☺☻

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Game Demo Questions

Which one and where

The person that created the game is and will alwase be maggie!

I am designing my game for the globy awards cause I want to win a lap top. o yaaa!!beet that!  :P :D :)

The player is a bone and it want's  to be in the dogs mouth.The rules are ...There are no rules!! just get all the bones in the dogs mouth. 

The player will learn that dogs love bones.
Also my game is fun by the bones that disapear and the funny looking little girl.

My game teaches people that dogs eat and love bones .Also  that the owner gots to feed the dog and take it out side.

I have a happy fall day will a cartoon girl in the seen to feed and play with your dog outside.I am waiting to put a dog and outside noise to put in my game.

You know I beleve enything enyone makes is special, but I beleve/think myne wil sell or win cause who ever loves dogs will love my graphice dog.
               ☺☻♥!!!PLEASEEE COMMMET!!!☺☻♥

Monday, April 11, 2011

Playing Games to Get Ideas

Lucky CloverIs the name of the gaame, you can probably guese that it's about lucky clovers, and if you don't know than thats what it is about. It has a timer of how long it takes you to find 10 lucky clovers. (A lucky clover has 4 sides)If you click on any they will disapere , my game does that, and it has a light around it when the mouse is over it. It also keeps a number on how many is left to find, and what is your score on how well you did. Here is the game     http://www.coolmath-games.com/0-luckyclover/index.html

Also it has sound and a menu, i will see if they have a wiki tip on how a light will shine over my bones on my game.
                ☻♥☺please commet pplllllleeeeeeeesssssss☺☻♥

Friday, April 8, 2011

Game Progress Reflection

Yes I have learned  A new thing I have learned how to drage n' drop like, last week. Then I'v been helping myself and other people, also the backgound trasing I learned ,it was so cool I mad a dog ,girl and tress! I love it. Later/1 week later I learned how to drag n' drop n' earas. It's so cool and now i'm learning how to keep score, it's the 2nd hardest thing I want to do. The 1st is getting the game to shake I wached the video but I don't get it. It's so fustrating when I can't get the 2nd one right and the 1st. So I don't care about what I havn't got right i'm learning and learning my mistakes ,and I am glade for what I got so far. I will continue on my game nomatter what it takes!              
                           ♥☻☺!!bye!!☻☺♥please commet

Thursday, April 7, 2011

A Visit From the President

Dear Mr.obama ,please come to our school. Thier are great things here ,we learn alot here. The kids here are relly nice and funny. My test scores and grades have relly improved ,here i got an a, b on a role and in my other schools no. So I think this is a great school to go to.Kids also have fun here and learn alot, and the teachers are great teachers. Also I like this school, the freinds , the grades, the school , and the teachers . So please come.☺☻♥maggie
                                    ♥☻☺please commet☺☻♥

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Blogging About Blogging

      Pretend you are at a school where blogging is not allowed.
What would you say to school administrators to get them to change their minds? I would tell them to let all kids at the school to have a blogger at school. If that didn't work, I would tell them some good resonse why we need blogger like , it can some times make you feel better if someone puts a good commet,you can put a pic or 2 ,you can change the letter's color etc.

What are some reasons blogging is good for students? Some good resonse are that kids can express themself , they can learn how to spell well ,learn how to make proper sentences , they can post commets on what they feel and for kids who like computars ,they can type more.

What are some of the disadvantages of blogging? I bairly know bad resons ,some disadvantages are that kids eyes will hert if they stair at the screen to long.They also will get their fealings hert if some one writes a bad commet. So that's all the bad things I can possably think of.                           !!please commet!!☺

Friday, March 25, 2011

☻☺Whatever it takes☺☻

This movie is about a charter school ,in new york city.
Bronx center for mathamaticts & science is the school name.
It's a high school , kids who need more help go their for help. Edward tom is the prinsable their and it's his 1st year.
mom's that are disapointed
  • linda
  • linda baserville - i think their the same
A girl named Sherifea has bad grades and only terned in 1 project in the hole year . Linda, sherifeas mother watn's her to go to collegd and Linda also said kids who don't finnish school or are drop outs are lazy. Later Linda is mad at Sharifea cause she gots bad grades, she gots all grades in the 55's. Also her test was bad! evan later some teachers said she is failing all her classes. Some whaat in the end her mom seees all her grades and said, how deos she expect to be a pedeiatrition , or what ever , if she doesn't have good grades.At the end sherifea gets in an endganering class shes practicing on making a motar. Sherifea passed and  is going to colleg!

                              Another parent(s)(back at bigging)
  • A lady said she likes the other kids that play "on" the street cause they remind her of when she was young .(she grew up their)

  • A boy named rash droped out of school cause of related druge us.

  • Edward tom(princable) told his story of how he became princable. Tom showed 2 posters on the wall one a preety lady and the other a mantion. He always like to look rich ,he bought a belt for $120 and said to himself "what did I just do." He always liked models and beauty so he got a job like a "judg."He said he would retire at 30 and a school note came in and offered him a job to be a princable and he did.

  •                                               Interveiw
    A girl said she won't quit from were she is now, in colledg she will take 4 years if she has to.She says her mom is sick so it makes it a little harder for her.Linda baserville the mom of the girl said her family was rapped up in drugs and she said her mom used to beet her ,and/or make her bleed.She don't want her child going down that raod.
                                                End of int.

    A boy gets  saspended for doing grafedy on the wall of the school.(90 days)Princable & parent are not happy at all.

    A girl got taken away from her mom cause her mom was taking drugs, the girl sends leters to her mom cause shes with  another lady.The girl says it's her fualt that shes their.

    At the end  the princable says that 9/7 kids got a 95%  and very little didn't pass. During summer princable wants to make 3 schools.

    Wednesday, March 23, 2011

    cool math

    The game I played was rotate and roll. I love that game cause of the little creachers you see on their and the rotate and roll when you use the arrows. I didn't get no ideas from that game exept to make a game about cute creaturs. I love games with action thats my favrite genre.               ☻please commet!!


    The movie wizard is about a boy called Jimmie.
    He has 2 brothers called corry (tall teen),and  the 2nd little boy.
    Jimmie wanted to go to California,he left home at the bigging to go to cali.  The cops found him, gave him back, but some guys want to put Jimmie in a home! his brothers don't want that and they say that their dad don't care if he goes.

    Later 2nd little boy run out of his house and tells Jmmie to go to calie. with him. They travel to calie in a cup cake truck ,they make it half way . The 2 boys go to the nearest stop which is, the valley. (Cops are looking for them.)
    They wanted to buy a bus ticket but they didn't have in enouph. They meet a girl named halie she wants to help them ,since jimmie beet her in a game. She wants jimmie to enter a game contest and win $50,000 .The deal is she'll help them get their but they will split the money.
    Haley gets  farmers to drive them , but they see $25.00 and take it. Some bikers  help them and give em' a ride.
     The 3 kids have $5.00 left but  they bete to people that jimmie can beet them and they win  $50.00.
    They go to an archade and they here of a kid that's very good at it ,Jimie loses and is sad. Some bullies steel $26.00 from them. Lateer the 2nd boy gives up and the girl is walking away. Jimmie said " I don't wan't to quit." and the 2nd boy and the girl are so happy and they keep going. They pay a guy to play at a casino and the kids won $400.00!and give $10 to the man.
    Mean while dad found out the boys are going to l.a.
    That's all I saw bye!!!☺☻

    Friday, March 11, 2011

    spring break!!! o yeahhh!!!!

    Do you have any fun or interesting plans for Spring Break? What are you planning on doing?

    Yeah, I'm gonna spend time with my bestie cuzie , Emily!!!!
    Also I'm gonna play volley ball and try to have fun, then play some video games , get out and play some sports and that's pretty much it.

    Another thing i will never forget is spend time with my dog. She is a chiwahwah!! I love her so much,and she's very playful.
    Another thing is spend time with my family . I'm not shore if gonna go to Corpus Cristie, I love the beach their , I wen't in it ones.

    I will still miss my friends during the break espcialy sabrinah...I'm just playing i'll see her during the break me & her are like besties!! ok see you later.
            ☻  !!!!please write commets!!! 

    Wednesday, March 9, 2011

    What I Always Wanted

    I always wanted a trampoline, I just love jumping in mid air it feels like I'm flying.
     Also I like the hobo game ms.Valdez put on her blog!
    You know I just love caramel ,espacialy chocolate caromale!
    I love tee cup chiwahwahs! I just wan't one so bad, but you know all I need and wan't is a best friend.
    Hellooooooo!!! just waking you up ,lol!!! also I just need all my things and when I grow up, I wan't be famouse!!! and have a mantion!!!so byyeee.
    jk seee yaaa!!☺☻♥ grrrr

    Tuesday, March 8, 2011


    Where do you think you will be and what do you think your life will be like in 5, 10, and 15 years. Please write at least 5 sentences.

    (In 5 years) I don't think I know- I'm  12 right now but I'm gonna tern 13 in July , so I'll be 17 or 18 and I'll be in high school with a simple job or in college with a job.

    (In 10 years) I'll be 22/23 and I'll be in a college and studying veterinarian stuff or science , I'll be studying theater arts and technology.

    PS.2017 is when I'm gonna be a high school graduate.
    (in 15 years) I'll be 27/28 and I'll be in a vet taking care of pets my family ,friends and my life.My life will be wonderful!!! I'll also have 2 or 3 dogs.☺☻♥

    Monday, March 7, 2011

    Paper Prototype Reflection.

    (pp=Paper Prototype )   (ppg=Paper Prototype game)

    How has making a paper prototype helped you plan your game? Please write your thoughts about the process of making a paper prototype for your game.

    It has helped me in some ways ,I can basacly plane out my ppg by telling how i'm gonna play it , what are the rules, what numbers i'm gonna use, the colors etc.
    So I can see benafits and no other non-benafits.

    So now that i'm done with my pp , i'm gonna start making my real game.You see now I know what to put in it cause now I got my "data", "rouph draft" , or whatever you wan't to call it. 

                         ooookkkk ttthhhee eeennndd
                                   please commet!!!☺☻♥

    Friday, March 4, 2011

    I respect life and I beleve (A poem)

    I beleve that people should respect life and deside what they want to do with it.  I beleve you should live life not live as in your alive but have fun and respect the chioses you made and have fun with the time life gave you.  I beleve that to live deosent mean your alive, and live time not lose it doing drinking and drugs cause that will make your time go "GONE". I beleve you should live life not lose it.
                                    (3/4/11) By: maggie anguiano

    Wednesday, March 2, 2011

    my vidler video vbout my game

    (this is my video) please commet   pppppplllllleeeeeeaaaaaassssssssseeeee!!!!!!! thk u☺☻♥

    Friday, February 25, 2011


    40's Boston (war years)
    Blacks were not treated well ,they were beaten and called names and didn't have equal rights.
    In the biggining malcome got a hair cut to go to a celabration(dancing party)

    Malcome is the one telling the story,he had a mother who was olmost fully white cause his mother's mother got raped by a white man.
    She was so ashamed that she married black man,so her children could have some color.
    later his brothers & sister got seporated.(his mother had 9 kids all together, including Malcome.) to be contined

    Wednesday, February 23, 2011

    More Thoughts on Globaloria.

    It has changed a little cause I thought computars were used to play games and draw only ,I thought that when I was a little girl.Also I never even thoght that their was even a wiki.Also a flash drive I had no idea how to use it.I also thought it was just for reserch and no other reson isn't that wierd.!?! I know not even i thought their were alot more things on the Internet like ... youtube, blogger, mocospace, pog.com  etc. So evryone else don't luagh for what I didn't know.
                            by and write commets!!!!☺☻♥

    Tuesday, February 22, 2011

    Globaloria Reflection

    1. One thing I have learned in Globaloria is…
    How to do flash , blogger and the eacpa wiki.

    2. My favorite thing about my Globaloria class is…
    We get to do flash I love doing that!!

    3. I think being in Globaloria now will help me in the future because…
    when I have to do research about other carers and the pets I'll be working with when I grow up.☺☻♥

    Wednesday, February 16, 2011

    Mad Hot Ball Room

    I  may not know the exact answer ,but  I think the theme is that so kids in the dance class can have something they love to to and do it , get good at it or even be a professional at it.I saw one part where a kid was complaining to his friends that they don't like the partner or class but they stayed.Their was another part  where some girls where some girls talked about some boys that were lazy and some boys that didn't want to be in the class.So this video is about dancing ,discipline,fun,and braveness.When a point came were they had to compete some kids cried that they lost and some kids said they don't care at lest they had fun.At the end the indigo team won they were really happy and the other teams were sad ,I think the reason they won is because they looked like they were having allot of fun and had a big smile on their face.☻♥

    Friday, February 11, 2011

    Malcome x

    It's the mid 40's(the Boston war years)

    The time of segregation meaning when blacks not treated equally, called names and they were also most of the time beaten till death.

    Malcolm was telling his story,his mom was half white & half black, cause his mom's mom cot raped by a white man. His mom was so ashamed of her half color that she married a black man. She got 9 kids & they all got separated cause a lady thought that she couldn't take care of them.
    His mom went to the crazy place cause she couldn't handle the fact that her kids where gone.
    Malcolm went to restaurant and a white man was talking trash to him and then he said something about his mom then Malcolm popped him.While he was their he betted with somebody about the "lottery". During parts of the movie the KKK attacked  his family.

    lader he went to jail.

    orgin trail #2

    It's preety much the same all that changed is that it was just more advanced.also more rivers to cross more money and the raod gets longer or shorter I don't know but it's very simmular almost everything is preety much the same.I don't know what else to write so I like the game and just as much as I like strawberrys.

    Tuesday, February 8, 2011

    Mad Hot Ball Room

    It's a video about kids who dance .The kids who are dancing are actually kids who compete for their school.
    One off the schools I saw, had some boys that didn't even want to hold the girls waist or even hold their hands. I think that's rude and another school had some kids that had lots off fun.
    Later I saw some girls that talk about some things that they didn't like about boys.Some girls also practiced outside of their classes.A lady also cried cause she was so proud of her classes, and she can't choice between her class and kids that can't go and dance.She said all kids should be able to attend at the dance compititon.

    Monday, February 7, 2011

    oregon trail #1

    1.Who do you think this game was made for? I think it was made for kids 4th grade-6th grade.2. What does the player see and do? He sees his family and were he goes and trades.
    3. What are the rules and how do you win? The rules are don't depend on other peoples choices.
    4. What is the goal of the game? Cross the organ trail and survive all dangers!5. What will the player learn by playing this game? They will learn how to be fair, they will learn that "The trail" is dangerus and pack vary well but not heavy.6. What makes this game fun for the player? You get to kill animals , buy stuff ,name your people,and answer questions.7. What kind of graphic/animation are in the game? The animals ,people, the wagon and picturs that show up.8. What kind of sounds are in the game?When you cross it ,plays a melody and when a person dies it plays a sad song.9. What makes this game special and unique?You answer questons and play a mini game by killing animals.
    10. Why will it sell?  It will sell cause it has randon stuff in it like  questions, graphics, sound and an animal killer for food game.☺☻♥

    Friday, January 28, 2011


    I think it's neet working in group and if you argue about somthing ,that may somtimes get challenging.Their are some advantages and disadvantages in a team cause if your  a team you don't put just your own thoughts, you have to shair thoughts with your group. If you put it the advantage way ,you get to meet new people you didn't know and get to know them.Just think abouut getting to know ,who knows you may even get a fiers enemy or a angil that will be you bffl. like for me I have my cuzin emily as a partner andmy friend mercedes. I like thinking of good things insted of the bad thing.☺☻♥♦♣♠☻

    Wednesday, January 26, 2011

    play testing

    I would like to improve the people  and extend the playing time and especially make it easier.I mean i like the game but their just some  stuff I or  Mercedes need to do.well i also want to improve the "congratulation" and the "you lost" sign.Don't get me wrong the game is great but it's just those little few thing we go to do.

    Monday, January 24, 2011

    The Pact

    The pact is a movie and a book made by three doctors.They were some parts in the story that their was a little girl to have parents like the ones on TV .Another part is lady every morning woke  up at 5:00am or 6:00am Just to sweep up  the neighborhood and it was cause she wanted to.Their was also a guy named Romack he was a guy who prayed to god for his education,he also tells/blames god for his parents to be in jail and he tells him to get one or bot of his parents out of jail. He also has a sister,her name is mecca she didn't   finnish high school and wasn't planning on it.her brother romack said she can live in the house if she got a drivers lisens, go back to school, and get a job. Later mecca gets a drivers lisens.Their was also a kid named Malique he lives with his mom and his dad left when he was baby.malique has a sister she was born with a disease.malique got all a's and b's exept for gym he got a "c"/Later it changed to an "a".
    At the end the three doctors who created "The Pact" traval to present the book.

    The Pact

    The pact is a book and a movie ,it's about African Americans and the disturbing needs they had in life.Their was one part were a guy named Romack tacks care of his sister and prays a lot to god for education

    Friday, January 14, 2011


    Me and my class worked on publishing the picture or our game idea and then  publish our teams  made up new game idea.Then during the week my cousin came I was so exited .After that we worked on a list that tells us to uplaod the pic and game idea to our teams wiki. Then we begin filling in the Design Plan on your team page with your team members. ☺☻♥§§

    Wednesday, January 5, 2011


    It was wonderful! I played video games , slept over at my friends house , I especially loved Christmas and new years , but at some point  I was going to have to come back. I like coming back but I also didn't cause then we had to get down to business again, tern in homework, work every day again , and to make maters worse I have to get brasses! but I  still love school cause we see friends again and we get closer to getting an education.