Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Mad Hot Ball Room

I  may not know the exact answer ,but  I think the theme is that so kids in the dance class can have something they love to to and do it , get good at it or even be a professional at it.I saw one part where a kid was complaining to his friends that they don't like the partner or class but they stayed.Their was another part  where some girls where some girls talked about some boys that were lazy and some boys that didn't want to be in the class.So this video is about dancing ,discipline,fun,and braveness.When a point came were they had to compete some kids cried that they lost and some kids said they don't care at lest they had fun.At the end the indigo team won they were really happy and the other teams were sad ,I think the reason they won is because they looked like they were having allot of fun and had a big smile on their face.☻♥

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