Thursday, May 10, 2012

Final Game Reflection!!:D

Yay!! The year is almost up!! and still their so much to learn in globaloria , one of the things that got me interested were the games that actually moved!! Also iv learned how to do that and make a part of player move while doing something else! their are so many interesting things that I've learned like how to make enemy's , hero's and platforms!!
I actually think I got better at recognizing some of the actions for buttons and a little on platform game making. Last year I didn't really  have much of a hard time finding help on the game-making concept , but this year I did get some help from friends and the teacher as well.
While doing my "wolf quest" game -this was my 2nd to last game I tried to make-I learned that in yellow stone their are endangered gray wolfs!! and while making another game named "Oil Disaster" with Rubi O.(my partner) , I learned that their are still oil spills around the world , especially in yellow stone, national park.
Iv'e also found out a little more things about my self as well.
I found out that even if you don't know somebody as a friend or partner you can be if you just work together, so yes I actually found out some help from people is a good thing. So next time i'm stuck on something, I can ask the people around me.
This year I think quit a few of people got more confident with what they can do with computers, I know I did.
One valuable thing that I learned this year is working together and feeling confident, in what you do and for who you are.
 I think the most challenging thing I did in globaloria , is to make the platform game, oh!! and don't even get me started in keeping the score moving with the hero  in a platform game!!
So here you go try it!!


  1. your game is really FUN, but i think you should have something to collect. still really fun. :)

  2. Maggie ,
    Your Game Was Kinda Hard To Figure Out Because i Didn't Know Where To Jump ! , But The Work Was Good Like The Drawings And Stuff ! Over All Good Jobb !
