!I'm finnished!
Some things i've learned with a team is that you should shair ideas ,work togerther and be fair.Also that if you need help ask your partner 1st then ask teacher.
I'm proud of myself for finnishing my game and putting a timer and keeping score on my game. I maybe be able to use a flash in my own home and make my own mini game.
Something I learned about myself is that I should have pasence ,beleife and ideas and hope.Also that you should help friends and pay atention to directions.
I also learned that the higher the grade the more pragraphs you have to make. Also the work and grade are good if you pay attention.
Some other things that i've learned in globloria is that you should get ideas and do some things at home that you've done in globloria.
Also I would next year want to learn hoe to make words/buttons move or do something when you click on them in games , slide show, or maybe even in blogger,if thats related to globloria.
♥☻☺!!!please commet!!!☺☻♥