Friday, October 14, 2011

Darfur is Dying

When I played Darfur is dying I felt sad because of all the bad people trying to kill them.
Also when they  gave you facts on how this girl is dead and how this house got burned and how this child was killed. It's very sad and I don't think that they deserve it.

In the game Darfur is dying ,you can choose different characters with different jobs because a little girl can't go for wood and build, but a man can, and a man cant go forage for water but kids 14 or 15 and under can.
I think it sorta does connect to to life, because a like a said before people die a certain way then people can do certain things, the same way some jobs aren't meant for others to handle the complexity. 

Another part of the game is to take care of the camp.
The reason I think they put that in their is so you can see how much work they have to do in order to keep the camp alive. It's very hard because the janjaweed keep attacking and destroying building! It's so frustrating when all the food and water then the houses are gone too.
Now the people die after all the supplies are gone.

Also later in the game A letter pops out and says to either write  a letter to president Obama,
Or to help them out by sending the message out to the network on Facebook.The reason I think they wanted to point that out is to pass the message out get more and more people to help.

Playing the game was sad but it inspired me to tell people about the darfur story and help a little, by sending the message out.

here the game above!
the next one above is THE WASHINGTON POST.

Friday, October 7, 2011

Steve Jobs

Steve Jobs is a man who invented :apple computer,I-pad, I-pad2 ,I pod touch , I-0phone , I- phone4 ETC.
He invented allot of the things you would have seen now. without him you would have had way less technology. 
Allot of the touch phones now he invented.

He also founded pixar! all these movies you would have never seen without, nemo, monsters ink,  Walle, ratituee, a bugs life, and toy story! and more. 
Imagine a world without his creativity, you wouldn't have much entertainment right.
fallow your dream and don't care what the words of people say or tell you.
Steve Jones- 1955-2011

Thursday, October 6, 2011

playing to learn review!

The game genre's I'm interested in are action and a little adventure.I think I would like to make a game genre for action mostly.
Also I learned some things from the game I liked and mostly affected me it was called  Brainpop GameUP 
It taught me about cells allot about them but mostly on infected area's,like when you get a cut and what helps it and what doesn't.Another game I reviewed is Gravitee It show's the gravity on planets and you have to test your skiles and play golf in outer space.
One game I think would need improvment is  Sally's Energy Ride 
I bairly understood it and all i understood is save energy.

Monday, October 3, 2011

service project

On Saturday we went to participate in being the change.
what we did is help put soil around almost all the tress in the area /park .
When I was their I saw allot of people in the place helping even if it wasn't from our school, I saw a Lil girl ask a man can she help out on what we were doing,and the man said "yeah,you can help."
That was heart touching when I heard a Lil girl wanting to help, I was in awe.

Another project ill want to be apart of is the shelter, I want to help animals find a home , a place to love for.
That would be a happy day for me to help animals get  a home, that way they won't be homeless and wait in another sad day in the dark pound in a small cage.
What I did while I was at the service project I put/spread some soil around the tree ,to make shirr the tree got enough water to absorb. They have been planting trees for MORE than 10 YEARS! to plant over 400 trees !!!
wow! When I heard all the trees were being planted for so long, I was in awe again and that was just to special. It made me think wow they really do care about the community.
☻♥so my blog is done and I just wanted say thank you for letting us be apart of helping the community!☺☻