Monday, August 29, 2011

A Single Story

To have  a 'single story' about a place or community, 
means when someone judges about a place, person, or community and  makes it to where people only believe that opinion. Also it may or may not be true but allot of the times it's just an opinion and  is usually mean and/or rood.

♥☺☻ I heard a single story about the east side,  that their are Mexicans over hear mainly and gang and crimes but that's what they get us to all to believe. They even got me to believe it when i came over here. Still I didn't know I haven't been over here since I was a little girl/baby. So I trusted it it wasn't so bad. Still it's  loud! Also people think I can't speak Spanish and yes I can!!! ☺☻♥
I think a way people can stop judging is we can give flayers tell an Anglo friend of ours to help.
We can convince them to come over here and observe it over here. ☺☻♥

Their was also a single story I heard about the west I heard their were rich people over their and all Anglo people that are pale, but I don't know I have only been their only once. Their were allot of big houses and i saw mansions that was awesome! but the people I saw building them was mean It was Mexicans.I think away I can learn more is search about it and go over their some more. Also i can maybe talk to some of them more.

I think a way a game maker can help is he can make game to show all people of different backgrounds and make them as one in the game meaning making them friends.
Also he can make a game that will show no gang activity nowhere.
                                                                   ☺☻♥please commet☺☻♥

Tuesday, August 23, 2011


I learned that  getting cyber bullied back then was a major problem until the Meyer incident.When a girl named Megen Meyer hung herself in her closet because of a fake boy that said he liked her and the other people that bullied her at school.
I have experienced bullying ,when  I was young 2 popular girls bullied me in elementary school
and I felt very sad, but in middle school I think she was not as popular and less happy, I felt a little sorry for her but then i was thinking about the all the things she did so I never forgave her.

I think that Tyler from the movie should have ignored the bully ,reported them and/or made a copy of the paper for proof that she was getting bullied online. Also she should have went to a council earlier because in the movie she said that it had helped her feel better and understand what she could have done and understand she wasn't the only one.
I would have  blocked her or any bully , report her and ignore her at all time instead of paying attention to her and making her feel better about herself.
Off course i didn't know that back then i let them and let them pic at me and making me sadder but ever since I came to this school, east Austin college prep academy it makes me feel safe and loved by my friends I've made hear. I still think that she'll come hear and bully me but every now and then my memory of her disappears.

Hear is a link about Megan Meyer:

Monday, August 15, 2011

First Day Of School!

☺☻♥My first day of school was great! I made allot of friends and the teachers were so  nice.
I did feel a little nervous cause summer went by so fast. Now the week went by so fast and I memorized my schedule the 1st 2 or 3 days.
My favorite classes are p.e, math, Spanish and Ela cause, In p.e we get active and move, and in math is so nice, and Spanish cause we talk about Spanish and we do fun activity's that make memorise Spanish words, and ELa cause she is so sweet and cause my class is small and qiate. I also noticed their are new people in 7th grade i made some of them my friends.
So far the year is great i hope it stays nice i love all my friends!(nh) :) :} :p ☺☻♥