Thursday, April 28, 2011

Stand And Deliever

Jaime Escalane is a man that came out in the movie stand and deliver.
He died in March 30, 2010, he was only 79 years old.
heres his funiral.

He was born in  December 31, 1930.
He tought calculus at garfield high scool and his first class got 5 and 4 (a's & b's)  mr.Escalante was so proud.
Every year his students passing got higher and higher.
                               ♥☻☺ please commet☻♥☺

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

iPads for Kids

I think it would be awsome I so think we should do that. Cause one kids will love a touch screen two you won't make a mess with pencils or crayons and three it has internet for alot of other activities.
some  advantages are that you can have it portable and it's small, light and alot of books and activities in it. Also their can be some bad news but, if one brakes the kid may have to pay for another one or the school. Also kids may do other things on it rather than do what their tod and they will play around. 
                       ☻☺♥!!!please commet!!!☻☺♥
                                    by . maggie ang.

Friday, April 15, 2011

Game Demo Progress

I have learned a few stuff this week , I learned how to use files and each key frame has to be difente unles you chioce to not do that.
I learned how to make slides a little cause I don't quit got it yet. 
I  have learned that it is inportant to make an actions leyer  and only put actions in it . I also learned that It's importanton  to also make a background leyer. I also have learned that to-move code , it's very usfule.
                           ☺♥☻!!!please commet!!!♥☺☻

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Game Demo Questions

Which one and where

The person that created the game is and will alwase be maggie!

I am designing my game for the globy awards cause I want to win a lap top. o yaaa!!beet that!  :P :D :)

The player is a bone and it want's  to be in the dogs mouth.The rules are ...There are no rules!! just get all the bones in the dogs mouth. 

The player will learn that dogs love bones.
Also my game is fun by the bones that disapear and the funny looking little girl.

My game teaches people that dogs eat and love bones .Also  that the owner gots to feed the dog and take it out side.

I have a happy fall day will a cartoon girl in the seen to feed and play with your dog outside.I am waiting to put a dog and outside noise to put in my game.

You know I beleve enything enyone makes is special, but I beleve/think myne wil sell or win cause who ever loves dogs will love my graphice dog.
               ☺☻♥!!!PLEASEEE COMMMET!!!☺☻♥

Monday, April 11, 2011

Playing Games to Get Ideas

Lucky CloverIs the name of the gaame, you can probably guese that it's about lucky clovers, and if you don't know than thats what it is about. It has a timer of how long it takes you to find 10 lucky clovers. (A lucky clover has 4 sides)If you click on any they will disapere , my game does that, and it has a light around it when the mouse is over it. It also keeps a number on how many is left to find, and what is your score on how well you did. Here is the game

Also it has sound and a menu, i will see if they have a wiki tip on how a light will shine over my bones on my game.
                ☻♥☺please commet pplllllleeeeeeeesssssss☺☻♥

Friday, April 8, 2011

Game Progress Reflection

Yes I have learned  A new thing I have learned how to drage n' drop like, last week. Then I'v been helping myself and other people, also the backgound trasing I learned ,it was so cool I mad a dog ,girl and tress! I love it. Later/1 week later I learned how to drag n' drop n' earas. It's so cool and now i'm learning how to keep score, it's the 2nd hardest thing I want to do. The 1st is getting the game to shake I wached the video but I don't get it. It's so fustrating when I can't get the 2nd one right and the 1st. So I don't care about what I havn't got right i'm learning and learning my mistakes ,and I am glade for what I got so far. I will continue on my game nomatter what it takes!              
                           ♥☻☺!!bye!!☻☺♥please commet

Thursday, April 7, 2011

A Visit From the President

Dear Mr.obama ,please come to our school. Thier are great things here ,we learn alot here. The kids here are relly nice and funny. My test scores and grades have relly improved ,here i got an a, b on a role and in my other schools no. So I think this is a great school to go to.Kids also have fun here and learn alot, and the teachers are great teachers. Also I like this school, the freinds , the grades, the school , and the teachers . So please come.☺☻♥maggie
                                    ♥☻☺please commet☺☻♥

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Blogging About Blogging

      Pretend you are at a school where blogging is not allowed.
What would you say to school administrators to get them to change their minds? I would tell them to let all kids at the school to have a blogger at school. If that didn't work, I would tell them some good resonse why we need blogger like , it can some times make you feel better if someone puts a good commet,you can put a pic or 2 ,you can change the letter's color etc.

What are some reasons blogging is good for students? Some good resonse are that kids can express themself , they can learn how to spell well ,learn how to make proper sentences , they can post commets on what they feel and for kids who like computars ,they can type more.

What are some of the disadvantages of blogging? I bairly know bad resons ,some disadvantages are that kids eyes will hert if they stair at the screen to long.They also will get their fealings hert if some one writes a bad commet. So that's all the bad things I can possably think of.                           !!please commet!!☺